We are not short on information. To help you to understand what it is that we do, we have provided a short synopsis of each of the projects listed below. A simple click on the title and all will be revealed.
Agriculture & Agri-Business
Farm Based Bio-gas/Power Generation: A Business Case 2012
The business case was developed for a proposed farm and municipal organic waste based biogas/renewable power plant to be located in Southern Alberta. The business case was used to support a $500,000 funding request, which successfully secured.
Processing Opportunities for Pulse Crops in Alberta, 2009
A technology review, opportunity assessment, and business case analysis was completed in order to determine the viability of implementing pulse crop (pea) fractionation and processing capacity (and export potential) in Alberta for food applications.
Evaluation of Camelina as a Potential Oilseed Crop for Alberta, 2006
A report on the potential of camelina as a functional food, natural health product, and as an oleochemical feed stock was provided to Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development.
Bio-based Chemicals
Business Case for Specialty Ingredients Initiative, 2013
A market overview with trends, growth areas, and leading applications was developed to support a government led initiative in natural ingredients for personal care, cosmetics, and natural health products.
Sialic Acid: An Opportunity Assessment, 2013.
The applications for sialic acid, isolated from egg white, as a nutritional supplement were reviewed. Recommendations for proceeding with a commercialization plan for both production and sales were presented.
Identification of Bioactive Metabolites for Commercial Opportunities, 2014
A scoping study was completed for an industrial biotechnology company in order to identify the business opportunities for a range of secondary metabolites that could be isolated from a fermentation broth.
BioBased Chemicals: Addressing the Needs of Canada’s Industry, 2013.
Detailed interviews were conducted with companies commercializing new biobased specialty and functional chemicals and technology in order to identify industry’s needs for growth. A strategic plan for providing a range of technical and commercialization services was provided to the client.
Oilseed-based Product Development and Commercialization Management, 2011
Program and project strategies related to a series of biobased chemical (derived from canola oil) projects were provided at the request of Alberta Crop Industry Development Fund, in order to determine viable pathways to commercialization. The development of business-to-business relationships was a key aspect of this work.
Forestry Derived Industrial Chemical Production Opportunities, 2011
A series of emerging biobased industrial chemical technologies was evaluated for a western Canada pulp mill. Each technology was assessed based on its state of development, access to markets, export potential, and projected market growth.
Furfural Production: A Business Case, 2010
The business case for the production of furfural from dissolving pulp processes was determined. Several business-to-business partnership opportunities were defined, which were considered critical to the success of the venture.
Agricultural Based Industrial Chemicals Science Cluster Proposal, 2009
A series of research and development projects were solicited and the business case and impacts on Canadian industry were developed for a submission to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in order to gain funding for commercialization of emerging biobased chemical technologies.
Industrial Opportunities for Chemicals Derived from Flax Oil, 2007
An oleochemical industry review with recommendations and implementation strategies was provided to Alberta Agriculture and Food in order to develop a business case for supporting flax crop development as relating to the Flax 2015 Initiative.
Opportunities for Bio-based Chemicals, 2004-2006
Three detailed technology review and market research projects were completed since 2004 in support of oilseed and agri-fibre utilization initiatives for potential production of bio-based chemicals. The reviews formed the basis for the following reports: “The Markets for 1,3-Propanediol, 1-Nonanol & 1-Hexanol”, “Industry Analysis of Pentosan Processing and Pentosan Derivatives”, and “The Markets for Alcohol Derivatives”.
Algae Biofuels Opportunity: A Technology Review, 2014
A technical and business feasibility review was completed on a heterotrophic algal biofuel technology on behalf of an industry client interested to invest in the technology.
Cellulosic Biofuels and Biobased Chemicals: An Opportunity Assessment, 2012
The biofuels market potential was analyzed, particularly as related to cellulosic ethanol markets in the United States, and a business case was developed that considered capital investment, distribution costs, production costs, market demand, and pricing, as well as a comprehensive risk management strategy.
Triticale Competitiveness as a Feedstock for Ethanol Production, 2010
The value and competitiveness of triticale as a source of starch for ethanol fuel production was determined for the Canadian Triticale Biorefinery Initiative. In addition, a triticale market development strategy and value proposition was defined, specific to each ethanol plant in western Canada.
Manufacturing Competitiveness of Triticale, 2006
An assessment of the value and competitiveness of triticale as a starch crop, as compared to wheat and corn, was provided to the Canadian Triticale Biorefining Initiative. The report included a detailed economic model for a starch to ethanol plant, and highlighted important industry trends related to ethanol production from agricultural feedstocks.
Strategy for a Cellulose Nanocrystals Industry in Alberta, 2014
A strategy document for development and growth of commercial products and applications based on cellulose nanocrystals was assembled in order to clearly define deliverables and expenditures required for successful technology deployment within 5 years.
Hemp-based Absorbents: An Opportunity Review, 2014
A review of existing natural fibre materials used as industrial absorbents was completed and recommendations were provided for key opportunities to pursue for an emerging hemp fibre industry.
Strategy for Biomaterials Technology Development program, 2014
The structure, function, and goals of a natural fibre based materials technology program were reviewed and strategic recommendations were provided for repositioning the program to achieve commercially successfully outcomes.
Market Opportunity Assessment for a Biodiesel-based Fuel Conditioner, 2008
A thorough review and sector analysis of the diesel fuel conditioner market was completed. Recommendations for a business development and marketing strategy were provided.
Strategic Plan Development for Bioproducts Alberta, 2007
A five year strategy through to 2012 was developed for Bioproducts Alberta that focused on integrating the objectives of Alberta stakeholders, facilitating commercial partnerships, building a western Canadian bio-economic region, and bioindustrial project management.
Rhodiola Rosea Extract Production: An Opportunity Assessment, 2012
The business case for establishing an Alberta based natural health product (NHP) extraction facility was investigated. This included research into the North American market for natural ingredients used in general health, mood and energy boosting over-the-counter NHP’s.
Recommendations for a National Bioproducts Program for NRC, 2007
Key areas of focus and a research and development framework to support Canada’s growth in biorefining, biomaterials, bioenergy and biochemicals technology was provided for NRC’s National Bioproducts Program.
Environmental Scan of the Global Bioproducts Industry, 2007
A review was completed of global activity and initiatives underway relating to the development of technology in biorefining, biomaterials, bioenergy and biochemicals that was used to develop recommendations for key areas of focus for Canada’s National Bioproducts Program.
Overview and Assessment of Focus Areas for Research for Alberta Life Sciences Institute, 2006
A market overview for each area of potential focus within various life sciences sectors was provided to Alberta Life Sciences Institute for strategy development discussions. The review included full range of sectors—biomaterials, bio-based chemicals and fuels, bioenergy, genomics, proteomics, medical devices, and bioinformatics.
Expert Reviews for Sustainable Development Technology Canada, since 2006
Funding proposals submitted to SDTC were analyzed and reviewed as part SDTC’s approval procedures. Each proposal was related to new biofuel and bioenergy production, and was scored based on its work plan, business plan, management team, and technology.
Triticale: A Value Proposition as a Bio-Industrial Feedstock, 2008
A thorough study of the value of triticale as a starch and fibre resource for fuel, chemicals, and materials was completed, along with economic models to present the impact on crop production and biorefining margins.
ABIP Proposal for an Agricultural Feedstock Based Biorefining Initiative 2007
Using the input from the individual research teams, a full proposal was written on behalf of a Canada-wide biorefining research and development network, which successfully obtained Agricultural Bioproducts Innovation Program (ABIP) funding.
Getting Value from Every Fibre, 2007
Market and technology overviews and strategic business cases were provided to the project team (Forintek, ARC), and were used to recommend key strategies to Alberta Advanced Education and Technology for developing a biobased industry based on utilizing Alberta’s fibre resource. (see eae.alberta.ca/media/180652/fibre_roadmap.pdf).
Advancing Biorefining in Alberta: A Proposal for Pilot Scale Bioprocessing, 2006
An industry sector review was produced that included a business strategy, operating model, and funding requirements for establishing a pilot scale research and development facility that would directly impact the growth of biorefining technology in Alberta. The proposal defined the benefits to several key industries in Alberta, including agriculture, forestry, and rural development.
Biorefining Opportunities at Alberta Pulp Mills, 2008
A thorough review of global advances in biorefining, biofuel and bioenergy technologies, as pertaining to pulp mill operations was completed for Alberta Employment, Immigration and Industry.
Business Opportunities for Tall Oils, 2009
A technology review, opportunity assessment, and business case analysis was completed in order to define higher valued product opportunities for crude tall oil produced at Alberta kraft pulp mills.
Industrial Chemicals
Industrial Opportunities of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters, 2008
The chemical solvents industry in Alberta was reviewed and a series of applications was identified as new business opportunities for follow-up by the client.
Bio-based Methanol: A Market Study, 2008
The market study on the volumes and applications of methanol was completed. A key focus for this project was identification of value added opportunities for bio-based methanol vs. conventional methanol derived from crude oil or natural gas along with a strategy for entering the market.
Lubricants & Bio-Lubricants
Bio-based Lubricant Technology Review, 2012
Synthetic Lubricating Oil Review, 2012
A comprehensive review was completed of synthetic lubricating oil technology, applications, pricing, manufacturing, supply, demand, and market trends.
Bio-Lubricants Opportunities in Alberta, 2011
A comprehensive assessment of market opportunities for canola oil based industrial lubricants was conducted. The project was funded by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Growing Forward program, in collaboration with a private company specializing in industrial applications of oilseeds.
Petroleum Substances Review: Lubricating Oils, 2009
A study of the use, disposition, and potential environmental releases of lubricating oils via their distribution and applications was conducted for Environment Canada.
Octylated Styrenated Diphenyl Amine: Use and Disposition in Lubricants, 2009
A study of the use, disposition, and potential environmental releases of octylated styrenated diphenyl amine and other diaryl amine antioxidants was completed for Environment Canada.
Biolubricants Development Centre: an Assessment of an Emerging Opportunities Fund Application, 2006
A detailed review of the business potential for a biobased (canola oil) derived lubricants research and development centre was provided to Alberta Innovation and Science to determine the value of funding the development of biolubricants technology.